Doctor of Physioterapy

Physical therapy is an essential segment of the modern health care system. It is a “science of healing and art of caring through manual techniques and modalities”. It pertains to the evaluation, assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal, Neurological, Cardio-Vascular and Respiratory systems’ functional disorders including symptoms of pain, edema, and physiological, structural and psychosomatic ailments. It also deals with methods of treatment based on movement, manual therapy, physical agents and therapeutic modalities to relieve the pain and other complications.

Physiotherapist Do

Hence, Physical therapy covers basic parameters of healing sciences i.e. preventive, diagnostic, rehabilitative and curative.


The purpose of the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program (DPT) is to prepare Physical Therapists who will: 1. Be primary providers of physical therapy care. 2. Serve as responsible members in the professional community that are willing and are able to assume leadership roles in the communities they serve. 3. Identify researchable problems, advocate and participate in research and incorporate research findings into clinical practice. 4. Understand and place in context the social, economic and cultural issues of practice and effectively advocate for changes in policy. 5. Correlate theory with practice and think creatively about, react to, adapt or shape new practice environments. 6. Participate in and provide education for communities, patients, pe ers, students and others..

Bachelor of Sciences in (Nursing), 4 years

BS Nursing is a four-year degree program that focuses on providing comprehensive nursing education to the aspirants. As the nursing profession is an art and a science, at the GINAHS we will help you to develop theoretical, practical and philosophical knowledge about human caring. The aspirant students will acquire updated knowledge, critical thinking skills, research skills and extensive practical / clinical experiences to perform holistic care of the patients admitted with varied medical and surgical conditions.

Professional Recognitions

BS Nursing degree at GINAHS is recognized with Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC). The graduates of BSN will be awarded with degrees by the Khyber Medical University, Peshawar.


Nurses in any healthcare system hold prime importance. There are ample reasons to study BS Nursing. It is considered as one of the most rewarding professions in the medical field nowadays. Students can take up the advantage of these courses. It opens a lot of job opportunities in the healthcare sector. It helps in securing jobs in the national and international arena. Candidates can also pursue higher studies in MSc Nursing, MPH, MHPE, PHD, DNP etc. It prepares you to perform research and projects independently. DNP nurses can prescribe medications and open clinics internationally.

BS Emergency Care Technology, 4 years

BS Optometry is a full-time undergraduate Optometric course of 4years which is divided into 8 semesters of study BS optometry. In Pakistan an eye healthcare degree course refers to the study of measuring eyesight, detecting eye or visual disorders, treating eye injuries and prescribing corrective lenses...


At national and international level there is a great demand for highly trained “Emergency Technologists”. In the field of Emergency, Pakistan being an underdeveloped country faced great deficiency of trained manpower/professionals. GINAHS students in the first four semesters get training at basic skill labs of college under close supervision while onwards from 5th semester all emergency students are bound to work in state of the art emergency department of GINAHS under supervision of senior consultants.


After the completion of the program students will be experienced in handling serious medical and surgical emergencies (including cardiac, neurological, poly-traumatic, pediatric and obstetrical) emergencies. The candidates will be able to afford safe and efficient treatment to patients of all age groups by taking necessary decisions and also they will be able to recognize the equipment and medicines used in emergency situations. Finally, the candidate will be a professional “accident and emergency technologist”. Presently, emergency technologists are working in various government and private institutes, hospitals, national and international organizations.

Bachelor of Sciences in Optometry(Vision Sciences), 4 years

BS Optometry is a full-time undergraduate Optometric course of 4years which is divided into 8 semesters of study BS optometry. In Pakistan an eye healthcare degree course refers to the study of measuring eyesight, detecting eye or visual disorders, treating eye injuries and prescribing corrective lenses...


Optometry is a healthcare profession that is autonomous, educated, and regulated (licensed/registered). BS Vision Sciences (Optometry) is a multidisciplinary degree, which will prepare you to handle issues relating to human vision, and any other discipline that relates to the eye and its problems..

BS Health Technology, 4years

Healthcare technology, commonly referred to as “health technology,” refers to the use of technologies developed for the purpose of improving all aspects of the healthcare system. Healthcare technology refers to any IT tools or software designed to boost hospital and administrative productivity, give new insights into medicines and treatments, or improves the overall quality of care provided...


Health information technology is the use of electronic devices and computer systems in a health care setting. Many careers in health information technology involve assessing how a medical facility uses information technology and finding ways to improve their procedures that involve technology. There are many aspects of a healthcare facility that a professional in health information technology can help with..

BS Public Health, 4years

Public health covers a vast range of topics and issues, so it is helpful to have a clear understanding of what exactly “public health” means to students in a bachelor of public health program. Public health is defined as the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting human health through organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations (public and private), communities and individuals, “Public health basically promotes and protects people and the communities where we live, where we learn, where we work, and where we play”.


Public health, commonly referred to as “Public health,” refers to the use of technologies developed for the purpose of improving all aspects of the healthcare system. Healthcare technology refers to any IT tools or software designed to boost hospital and administrative productivity, give new insights into medicines and treatments, or improves the overall quality of care provided.

With this program, you will learn how to

• Use principles to recognize patterns and trends. • Apply public health strategies to improve health, safety and quality of life. • Explain the effectiveness of health programs to the public. • Make globally, socially, and ethically responsible public health decisions. ..

Lady health visitors(LHV)

GINAHS is offering a 2 years diploma program for those students who are looking to serve and work in the healthcare sector (Hospitals and Health foundations) or with the WHO get enrolled in the course. Lady health workers are the health care provider, have existed in Pakistan since 1951. They provide a variety of services to urban and rural communities, including basic nursing care, maternal child health services and training of community workers..


They provide a variety of services to urban and rural communities, including basic nursing care, maternal child health services and training of community workers.


  1. They manage Polio eradication campaigns in their area.
  2. They guide the females about different methods of family planning.
  3. LHVs work for maternal health at grass root level.
  4. They provide the medical treatment for common diseases. They also guide the females about prevention techniques of common diseases.
  5. LHWs guide the people about the importance and techniques of hygiene, clean drinking water and sanitation.
  6. They collect basic data from grass root level to help the policy makers.
  7. LHVs ensure that new born children are provided with immunization facility.

Community Midwife(CMW)

The need for “Standardization of CMW Training” was identified by Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) and GINAHS are offering this diploma of 1.5 years. Midwifery is an art and a science that has developed over thousands of years. But over the centuries midwifery practice has undergone numerous developments and has been fine-tuned according to latest advances in this particular science. Both the art and science of midwifery can be perfected only by constant and correct practice based on up to date knowledge. Therefore the modern midwife has to be equipped with up to date knowledge in order to be competent in her practice. The competent midwife herself should always be eager and ready to learn and equip herself with new developments in this old art.


The CMW education program is an eighteen months midwifery course that has been designed for training rural females as midwives who can provide maternal and newborn care to women and children of their communities. Rural females meeting the CMW eligibility criteria enter into this program through a formal selection process.


  1. Health, Maternal and newborn Health and CMW.
  2. Foundation.
  3. Pregnancy, its complications and Ante-Natal Care (ANC).
  4. Labor and Childbirth, its Complications and Skilled Care during Labor.
  5. Newborn and Infant Health.
  6. Puerperium and PostNatal Care (PNC).
  7. Preparing for Professional Practice.

Admission Procedure

Student can submit online admission form or can submit form by hand through visiting campus. After form receiving admission committee will evaluate the candidates in light of the eligibility and selection criteria. The committee will submit the recommendation of selected candidates for admission. The committee will submit the recommendation of selected candidates for admission to the competent authority for approval. The committee have authority to reject or accept admission form with approval of higher authority.

Eligibility Criteria

The admission criteria for Doctor of physiotherapy is 60% marks in HSSC Examinations.

The admission criteria for all BS Programs is 50% marks in HSSC Examinations.