The code of student conduct has been formulated to protect the core values of the Institute, to fasten the scholarly and civic development of GINAHS student community in a safe and secure learning environment and to protect the people, properties and processes that support the Institute and its missions. The key goals of the Institute are research, teaching, learning and service. Preservation of academic freedom, free exchange of ideas and opinions for all members of the Institute are central to these goals.


Class Attendance

  1. Students must have to attend at least 75% classes held in a course and will be allowed to sit in the external examinations.
  2. In case any student remains absent from the class for seven consecutive days without leave their name will be removed from the rolls.
  3. Students having less than 75% class attendance in a particular course will be required to repeat the course in the same semester next year. Names of such students will be reported by the Institute and those students shall not be allowed to appear in the internal and external examinations.

Violation of institute Rules

Violation of other published institute regulation, guidelines, policies, any notices fixed on notice board or any other instructions in any case or rules, or violations of federal, state, or local law. Students of this institute if involve in any external political or illegal activities like  sexual harassment, connections with any anti-students groups or organizations all these acts will mark a great penalty to those students by the disciplinary committee followed by the instructions of head of institute.  


Riotous Behavior

Participation in a disturbance with the purpose to commit or incite any action that presents danger to others, causes  physical harm to others, or damages property. Proscribed behavior in the context of a riot includes, but is not limited to:


1. Knowingly engaging in conduct designed to incite another to engage in rioting.

2. Actual or threatened damage to or destruction of institute property or property of others, whether done intentionally or with reckless  disregard.

3. Failing to comply with a directive to disperse by institute officials, law enforcement, or emergency personnel.

4. Intimidating, impeding, hindering, obstructing or disobeying any institute official, law enforcement, or emergency personnel in the performance of their duties.

5. Political, sectarian or ethnic activism in the form of gathering, demonstration walks or riots in institute premises or on roads.

Abuse of student conduct system

Abuses of any institute student conduct system, including but not limited to:

1. Failure to obey the summons or directives of a student conduct body or institute official.

2. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information before a student conducts a body.

3. Disruption or interference with the orderly process of a student's conduct.

4. Knowingly instituting a student conduct proceeding without cause.





Competent Authority


Removal from class-room, laboratory, workshop or field work for the periods concerned for not more than four such consecutive periods.



Withdrawal from games or the field for not more than one week.

In charge of the Sport Committee


Withdrawal from education or sports tour or survey camp.

Head of Institute


Removal from the institute for a period not exceeding two weeks.

Head of Institute


Removal from all classes or any class in any institute or college for a period not  exceeding two weeks.

Head of Institute 


Withdrawal from library for not more than two weeks.



Fine not exceeding Rs. 1000.00

Teacher, members of disciplinary or Sports



Head of Institute


Expulsion from the institute.

Head of the Institute.


Procedure in Case of Breach of Discipline:

An authorized person (mentioned under title ‘Authority to impose Penalties’) in whose presence or in relation to whom an act of indiscipline has   been committed or who receives knowledge of such act a report or otherwise, may deal with the case himself, or if in his view:

1. The case is one which can be more appropriately dealt with another authority.

2. They are competent to impose a penalty severe than that, they shall follow the procedure outlined.

3. If they are not the Head of the institute / Principal of an Institute he/she shall refer the case to the Head/Principal who may deal with it himself or refer it to the appropriate authority.

4. If they are the Head of the Institute / Principal, they shall deal with it himself or refer it to the competent authority.