This section introduces procedures and code of conduct relating to students admissions and those who want to pursue studies at GINAHS D-I-Khan Pakistan. The information and instructions provided in this prospectus are updated periodically. The institute expects from the students to be familiar with its Policies, Rules & Regulation. The Students are required to keep  the Prospectus for reference during their stay at GINAHS. Violation of any clause or rule published in the prospectus shall not be pardonable. The institute is committed to provide quality health education in a friendly environment and ensures that each student learns, academically grows and prospers. This can be attained with significant contribution from the students.


 No case shall be processed without the applicant providing no objection certificate (NOC) of the principal of the college from where they are studying. While allowing migration, the rules of concern governing bodies must not be violated in any way. The migrating students must clear all the dues of the college. KMU Centralized Admission Test (KMU-CAT) Appearance in the KMU Centralized Admission Test (KMU- CAT) is mandatory for admission in all programs. The admission test is only valid for the respective admission session for which the candidate has applied and the result of the admission test will not be considered for any other admission section.



Gomal Institute of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences D-I-Khan offers admissions in Doctor of Physical Therapy,  Bachelor of sciences in (Public Health), Bachelor of Sciences in (Vision Sciences), Bachelor of Sciences in (BS Nursing), Emergency care technology ,Public health technology this prospectus gives sample details about the admission procedures, terms and conditions. 

Scrutiny and Admission Committee for All Programs

Director / Principal/ In-charge/Consultant/ Coordinator of the concerned institute Chairman

Two faculty member (Against each discipline offered)

Office manager/section in-charge /office Assistant


TORs of the Admission Committee:

The committee shall scrutinize admission application forms for the respective advertised program in light of the approved eligibility criteria/advertisement and according to weightage (academics, experience, higher qualification, publication, entry test etc.) on the prescribed proforma for preparation of merit list.

1. The committee shall complete the assigned task and submit the report (merit list) to the concerned admission committee.

2. The committee shall be responsible to address the concerns of the applicants regarding their ineligibility (if any) and weightage accorded in the merit.

Further terms:

The committee shall evaluate the candidates in light of the eligibility and selection criteria.

The committee shall submit the recommendation of selected candidates for admission.

The committee shall submit the recommendation of selected candidates for admission to the competent authority for approval

The committee shall also be responsible to review the admission policy from time to time and suggest changes for consideration and approval by the competent authority.

Ineligibility for Admission

  1. Anyone who has been expelled by any university or college for misconduct or for use of unfair means in the examinations or any offensive immoral turpitude or for any valid reasons shall not be entitled for admission in GINAHS.
  2. Anyone who has been admitted earlier to any program but later was declared to have ceased to be a student of the Institute under these regulations shall not be allowed admission.

Orientation for New Student

All newly admitted students are required to attend the new. Students’ Orientation; the orientation is designed to acquaint the student with campus facilities, services, rules and regulations and to assist the student in adjusting to the new academic environment.